
Every night at 8:00 at my house we have cuddle time. I go in and lay on my Little Woman's bed and we talk.

I rub her little back and am amazed how the breadth of my hand is almost equal to the width of her back.

I put as many kisses on her chubby soft cheeks as she'll let me.

Sometimes I rub her hair. She still has wispy baby soft hair. Sometimes I wish it would grow and look more normal. But when we lay on her little pink bed at night I'm glad that it feels the same as when she was a baby.

We talk about what happened to her that day. Or what we're going to do tomorrow. She asks me things she has wondered about.

Tonight she told me that she can't wait to be a lady. I told her that I think most times its a lot more fun to be a kid. I was in a hurry to grow up. I want her to enjoy it. But that's the same thing my mother said to me.

She decided that her body could grow up to look like a lady but she would just act like a kid. She would play with toys and ride a pink bike with training wheels and streamers. She is going to be a "KId-Lady".

Then I whisper that I love her into her little ear. She smells like clean pajamas and Johnson's baby shampoo. In her little voice she says "I love you too mom. You are the bestest". She puckers her littlest pink lips and gives me a "slovery" kiss.

And then I know why I do this.

8:16 p.m. |

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