
I am having the time of my life. And no, it does not involve Patrick Swayze.

Friday night I started getting a ton of stuff together for the garage sale I'm going to have.

I got up early Saturday morning and continued. I've got lots of goodies to sell. Hopefully I'll make a big portion of our damage deposit out of this sale.

Then I decided that Little Woman and I would go garage saling. So we got the classifieds and a map and hopped in my snappy new civic. We hit about 8 or 10 sales and got some great things. Man, I love a good bargain. I got her a pair of brand new Fischer Price roller blades for $1 (that is ONE dollar). I got a fish stank with this goddess woman and some water painted on it. Ugly, but somehow attractive. I got a kick ass new dresser for five bucks. I'm going to sand and paint this week.

Then we went to this big garage sale fundraiser thing at a baseball park by our house and got her face painted and ate ballpark hotdogs and burgers.

Then we went home. We got the dog (who fit perfectly in the back of my snappy new civic wagon). And we met some fabulous fun friends to have a big walk around Thetis lake. We walked and talked and laughed. The dogs ran, the kids played. It was lovely.

Then I went to the grocery store (and left my wallet there by accident but someone turned it in and I got it back this morning). I bought yummy barbecue food and our good friends came over and ate and we talked and it was good.

We stayed up way too late having some great conversations.

Then today I worked. It was icky except I got a whole load of boxes for my garage-sale-organizing and moving. And I made a little money.

Then I had dinner at my granny's.

I have seven more days until I go back to school. I'm going to Vancouver to see my dad at the end of the week because I won't be able to visit until the end of August.

I have realized that we are just a bunch of fucked up people, raising more fucked up people. I just needed to share that.

I started smoking again. Tuesday before my exam. I broke down. I am weak. I will try again. Go Me! I lasted 37 days though. I am proud.

8:10 p.m. |

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