
I haven't updated lately. My school is super craziness. I'm feeling guilty that I'm typing this instead of studying. I'll make it quick.

Last night was the finale for Survivor. About half an hour before the show started we were watching the news. They announced who the winner was. We were so mad. But we enjoyed it, kind of, anyways.

I put my first needles in the other day. I did about 6 acupoints on a girl in my class. I really liked it. I'm doing a really great thing here.

But my classes are super heavy for the next six weeks. I'm supposed to be learning 90 herbs a week. That is not humanly possible but I'm going to cry.

My new car rocks my socks. I drove 420 kilometers on 40 litres of gas. That's about.......um, i don't know. It's really good gas mileage. It is four times better than my Cherokee was.

Let's see if I have any other uninteresting things to tell you.

I bet I do but I just can't think of them.

I'm trying to procrastinate and it isn't working so I'll go study some herbs now.


10:55 a.m. |

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