
"Forever comes along one right-now at a time. This is eternity. It will always be like this. Oh, the circumstances will change constantly, but it will still be one instant at a time. I'm not saying live for the moment, just in it. Learn to stop reminiscing about the past, daydreaming about the future, or fantasizing about what you should have said. If you don't learn how to live in the present, you will miss eternity....one moment at a time."

That is something to think about.

And here are some random things you don't need to think about......

My kitten's name got changed. He is now "Tuna". It was my daughter's choice but I really like it. It's easy to say. I've found in the past that all my cats answer to Kitty because it's easier than saying their name.

Tuna and Beatrice are getting along fairly well. I sense a little resentment on Beatrices part. I can hear her thoughts "How come he gets to go on the couch and the bed and I don't???". She'll get over it soon when she realizes Tuna doesn't get to go to the beach or on huge hikes through the forest.

They are presently playing a little game of cat and mouse. Or rather dog and cat. I think Beatrice also resents the fact that Tuna can fit under the couch. Sometimes everybody needs a little place to hide.

My garage sale went really well today. I made $270. That is just $30 shy of my damge deposit.

*side note* I just sneezed and when I looked back up there was "k's" all across the screen. I guess k's are better than some things that could result from a sneeze.

I still have a good pile of shit to sell tomorrow. If I can make 30 more dollars I reached my goal. I don't know why people buy this shit. It's mostly stuff I got for free somewhere and is ugly or useless. Ah, trash, treasure, who can tell the difference.

My greatest friend Candace bought me the greatest present at a garage sale today. I guess the guy having it travels the world and was selling his collected trinkets out of his garage. She got us each a Mala bracelet (buddhist prayer beads) that are from China and so beautiful. We had a big conversation about Buddhism the other night. I have an affinity for things from China (go figure). She payed $3 a piece for them. It feels really good on my arm. I really love it a lot.

I'm touched that she bought it for me. That she thought of me. Oh, she is so great.

So the dog is chasing the cat and torturing it in general. Tuna is hissing at her. Why doesn't little Tuna just go under the couch already so I can get some quiet.

I was going to write about the new food therapy diet that I'm starting. It's the Chinese Medicine approach to weight loss. It is so so so interesting but I'm too tired to tell you all about it. Remind me because I bought a great book and it explains everything really well. You don't have to exercise or drink water. Yup, that will be for another day.

I start school on Monday. It is going to be way more intense than my first semester.

I'm going to take Yoga and Qi Gong as an effort to reduce my stress. So I can move my head of course. And becuase stress is the number one cause of weight gain.

Yup, that's all for today. I'm going to referee my pet collection.

10:23 p.m. |

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