
I have some terrible news. You may want to sit down. There's a nice red chair up there for ya. Actually it's not that bad.

My internet connection is being cut off tomorrow. I will be gone for a couple or three weeks. See, we're moving and not sure exactly when. Because we're so broke that we thought we'd just cut it off now and then hook it up a little while after we move in to our great new place.

I know that I am going to miss this like crazy. It's number one on the procrastination list. Right now I should be studying for my test tomorrow on all the arteries of the body. But here I sit.

Have you ever noticed how western medicine doesn't cure anything?

They just give you a drug that keeps whatever you have under control but it is never cured. That drug has so many side effects that you end up with more health problems than you started with.

Chinese Medicine gets rid of things for good. Almost any things. Things that are accepted as normal parts of life. Like headaches, migraines, digestion problems, period cramps, yeast infections, coughs, bronchitis, diarrhea, constipation, hair loss, fatigue, cold sores, weak limbs, numbness, ear aches, ringing ears, dizziness, chronic nose bleeds, gas, burping, nausea, fullness in the chest. I could go on forever and ever. Chinese medicine can help diabetes, epilepsy, arthritis and cancer, sinus infections insomnia, depression, PMS, menapouse, irritability. And it's done naturally, with herbs. There are no side effects. The results are forever because Chinese Medicine treats the root of the disease not the symptoms. The symptoms are all the things that I just listed (and a million more) and those are what western medicine treats. So of course you have to be on drugs for the rest of your life because the cause of the symptom never goes away.

I soon will be able to fix all these things. Forever. For people.

And now I shall go study. This public service announcement brought to you by a woman who thinks she is going to school for the coolest thing in the world. Get off that computer chair and go see your local TCM doctor!

So, I'll try to update every now and again when I'm at someone's house who has a computer and doesn't mind letting me ignore them for a while and tell you how my life is. A girl just needs to vent sometimes.

If you need me just call. Actually don't because you don't have my number and I probably won't have a phone. But until then......I'll miss ya.

8:16 p.m. |

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