
My daughter has befriended the girls in the house behind us. We share a fence, a rather nice one, at the back of our yards. The girls are about 10 and 8. Last night they were feeding Chloe birdseed.

I saw her out there with a shovel and a basketball banging on the fence. She was determined to knock the fence down so she could play in their yard. She brought out a hanging plant holder. It's a wooden box with strings on it. And I hear her say "Ok Guys, you grab the strings, I'll sit in the box and you pull me over."

I'm rather enjoying my new house. It's not really organized yet but it is so beautiful. It's all hardwood floors and it has coved ceilings. We spent many hours painting it so the walls are beautiful. The rent is only thirty dollars more than where we last lived, in a basement suite. But this one is a top floor, is way closer to downtown, is five blocks from Chloe's school and my mother doesn't live here. All that for thirty bucks. I don't think I've ever found a better deal.

We hadn't painted the hallway where all the rooms connect yet. Big C's neice, that is 14, is staying with us for two weeks right now. She's something of an artist. So he decides we should paint a mural. It is a mural that tells a sociological story. It begins in the forest, all naturey and shit, then it goes to the indian reserve, the skids and then to whitey town full of picket fences and cement buildings. There is more to it but I won't bore you here. I painted a huge goddess/mother-figure/mother-nature woman. I'm very proud of it and I really like it. The niece painted the whole nature scene. I'm not a big fan of the whole production. I would rather have painted the whole area cream with green trim to match all the other stuff we painted but, I guess it keeps her busy.

I even have my own study space. We sectioned off a part of the front room with an 8' by 7' bookshelf we built. Now I have my own little corner with all my acupunture and herb books, my buddha's and point charts. I have a beautiful purple carpet and African masks on the walls. It is so lovely. My next step is to get a fish. I bought a tank at a garage sale that someone painted this goddess and some water on. It is really gorgeous and only cost me two bucks. I think today I'll get some rocks and gravel and some plants and a siamese fighting fish with a really long colourful tail. I just hope the kitten doesn't go fishing in there. I'm sure he will but maybe I should hope that the fish is faster than the paw.

I'm having a really hard time studying right now. The weather is far to fabulous and there is too much to do around the house. On to my next procrastination tool.........

And I know you're here so go leave a message in my guest book dammit!

10:34 a.m. |

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