
I have just a couple minutes. I'm leaving for camping right now. I won't be back for five days. I am totally hungover. Last night was the shower and stagette I had been planning. It was so fabulous and I'm so glad it's over.

Oh, it's Tuesday. I have no time to sign guestbooks for Share The Love Tuesday that isn't really Share the Love Tuesday anymore. But I like to keep it as a reminder in case I haven't said nice things to people in a while. You can start with my guestbook and move on from there but go tell some people nice things because they deserve it. Always remember how good it feels when people say nice things to you. You hold the power to do that for other people. Now go do it. Pep talk over.

I love you all even though I haven't signed your guestbook in a while.


3:52 p.m. |

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