
So far in the last two days I have sanded each of my appendages, weed whacked my shins and toes, used every muscle in my body mowing the lawn, had my hair tangled up in rose thorns, almost lost a finger sawing at Home Depot, and spilled desk stain all over my lino floor. I think I'm ready to go back to school. My body is not used to all this hard labour. It's only used to me sitting over books, with my bad posture, for hours and hours. It does feel good though. It has been a long time since I have had aching muscles from physical work. I kinda like it. I kinda feel like a tool-time girl. A tool-time girl without skinny body with big boobs and that doesn't know anything about tools or construction or labour. Tomorrow is painting. I never know what the future holds.

9:12 p.m. |

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