
Thanx a milion bajillion to Kim who fixed my image and who is still here and still writing. I can't figure out why she is so good to me. And now The Girl is writing too. I don't know if I could be more excited.

I'm going out tonight. I'm going out with one of my friends to discuss the break-up. Only this friend is getting married in three weeks. We are at total opposite ends of the ladder here. I just talked to her and she asked if her man could come with us.....what??? I don't even want to go. Everyone is just too busy to listen to me.

But I don't want to stay home because The Bastard will be here all night. I'm going to ask him to find somewhere else to stay until the end of the month. I am going to commit some brutaly disgusting murder if I don't get some closure.

Today I painted over his mural. That was a little closure. I painted over the half-done mural that has been sitting there for three months. It has been sitting there annoying me in it's half-completedness. It felt so good. It felt evil. Oh, I loved it. Putting primer over the Native Love-Birds he painted felt like a little piece of justice. Sweet justice.

That's what I think of you mister!

6:11 p.m. |

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