

I'm here. It is very cold and very dry.

Things are great. For some reason I'm just not in the mood to tell you about it. My image is gone. Kim is gone. It will be alright. Some other lovely person may want to stick an image up there for me sometime. But for now I am alright with the "x". It seems somehow appropriate seeing as how I'm in a period of transition. I'm kind of blah today. I am blah because I have NO money. I have no job. I am waiting on a huge chunk of money from people that owe it to me. I wish they would hurry up so I could stop scouring the car seats for quarters.

I'm a little worried about Chloe because she's a little off. I knew it would be hard but then it gets hard and I don't like it. I don't like that a decision I made for us is hard for her to adjust to. It will be great for her in the long run, this I am sure of, but for now she misses her grandma.

I am going to be initiated for my level One Reiki on Friday. This I am excited about. But, one place I applied to for a job is going to call for an interview later this week so I'm afraid that they will call and ask me to come in on Friday. And I really need a job. Ah, we'll see what happens.

I really have to tell you about this man in my life. He is the most amazing thing that ever walked this earth. I never ever ever thought that I would connect with a man like him and find what we have. It is totally crazy. Details will be forthcoming soon I'm sure.

We have the internet but my system is all jiggy so I the email doesn't work. And I can't download ICQ for some reason. Argh! I don't know any computer nerds around here. I'll put that on my list of things to do.

1. Find job.

2. Get married.

3. Make money.

4. Meet computer nerd to fix my email.

5. Find therapist for Chloe.

I'll be back when my face has some sort of expression on it and I feel like writing. I just want to tell all of those great people (that didn't forget about me!) that I am content, just a little scared right now. I will be fine. I will be way better than fine. Big change is hard.

12:20 p.m. |

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