
I have been using expensive hair products for years. I have finally found a product that I think works the very best. Dippity Doo. It belongs to the boyfriend's eight-year-old son. It is pink and mega-hold or ultra-sticky or something. And I love it. So go get your two dollar bottle of dippity doo and enjoy.

Things are getting better. I made a decision to make them better. I have moments of good, moments of better and moments of the same.

Today him and I Christmas shopped and went out for burgers at a pub. And we talked. He is really great to talk to.

It snowed about 3 inches here today, in only two hours. We won't see grass until February now. We watched survivor and then went out and sat in the hottub and enjoyed the snow. It was a little cold on the feet getting out but it's something I could get used to.

My sister is coming to to visit tomorrow. Sunday is my 26th birthday. It'll be really nice to have some family around for that. And she's 6 months pregnant with our family's first cousin. I can't wait to see her. And hang with her and talk to her and laugh with her.

The boys come for the week tomorrow. We're going to go toboganning. Chloe has never gone before. And I can't spell it.

He just made a big bowl of popcorn and poured a couple cokes.

Talk to you soon. Comfort food calls.

9:39 p.m. |

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