
I went to a Christmas party the night before last. This wasn't just any Christmas party. This was a Trucker's Christmas party. The Boyfriend owns a trucking company. I couldn't believe my eyes. I really try to not be judgemental or catty but sometimes it is so much fun. Yeesh. I saw more cowboy boots and hats than I have ever seen in my life. More fake teeth (that got removed after dinner) and colour blocked cowboy shirts. My new favourite is the female mullet. I am not shitting you. It is short and permed on the top and really long and scraggly all the way down the back. Ladies, you just can't be doing that.

The really cool part was the dancing. I am learning (very clumsy like) how to two step. And then you watch couples that have been dancing together for years and they seem to float across the floor in total unison. I love watching them.

I just died my hair brown. It is about time to put my winter hair on.

I am seeing a naturopath and he put me on herbal anti-depressants. I'm going to start going to counselling. I have finally figured out that I am one fucked up girl. Ever since I did my Level one Reiki I have had tons of childhood and past stuff coming up. I suppose it is so I will get it out the way so I can help other people heal. A Healer Heal thyself thing.

I went talked to the guy I want to apprentice with for acupuncture. We're going to meet later this week to discuss. I'm not working anymore. I quit. I am unemployed and loving it. I'm going to go back to school in January. I can't wait.

I gave my notice at my suite down the road. Half my stuff is moved over here. I have to be out by Jan.1. I just don't want to move anymore, again, or ever. After this one it will be a long time before I move again.

Chloe got her hair cut off into a bob. It looks so cute.

On Friday night I went out to the neighbourhood pub (that looks exactly like a legion) with ten women from the neighbourhood. I only knew two previously so it was nice to meet new women.

Well, I must go peel an apple for the new-bobbed-hair princess.

More random updates later.

8:23 a.m. |

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