
You know how people tend to get stuck in a fashion era? The afore mentioned female mullet would be a prime example. You know how old ladies all dress the same but it isn't in-style? I've always wondered where I would get stuck. Not that I'm super-trendy or anything but semi-with-it. I'm a huge fan of the shortpant.....which I'm pretty sure is already out of style....I think I may get stuck here. See I have long legs. When I buy pants they always end up about half an inch too short for me. With the short-pant we don't have this problem. I don't wear them now, it's -14, but all spring and summer and fall.

Is there nothing more important to discuss? Onto my hair.........

I died my hair the other day. It went from light brownish with blond highlights to medium brownish. About my natural tone with a bit more red. The thing is that NO ONE has said anything about it. I can't decide if it isn't that noticable or if it looks so terrible that people can't even lie to me.

We had a big Christmas party last night. About 22 people came over and had drinks and ate yummy appies that I made. It was a kitchen party. Our kitchen is big, but not enough for 22 people. But it was great fun. I met some of his friends that I hadn't met yet and everyone loved my food.

I have one friend that lives up here that I have known for 8 years. I was thinking about how she has really become my family. No one else here really knows me. We did presents with her last night because she is a groomer on the mountain and has to work Christmas day. She got me a beautiful light blue vest, a blue long underwear shirt, and (my favourite) an 8x12 picture that she took. It is of the largest Buddha statue outside China. She is a really good photographer and went to Maui for a couple weeks a while back. It is so amazing. I got a gift certificate for $50 to the local mega-craft sale (from the Boyfriend's parents, yes I opened it before Christmas but they are in Arizona so they will never know!) and they frame pictures there so I'm going to use it to do that after we get back from Vancouver.

I went to see the guy that I am going to apprentice acupuncture with. It is a pretty long detailed story of how excited I got. But I'm really excited. I'm going to start the second week of January.

The boy children come tomorrow morning at 7:30. Their Mom has to work and the daycare isn't open. There should be big "Santa's Coming" excitement around here. Christmas with kids is so much fun.

I hope you have a fabulous Christmas filled with whatever makes you feel good, whatever that may be.

8:40 p.m. |

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