
Yeesh, I am one busy woman. I crave a nap and a couple of Oprah episodes. I think Maya Angelou is on on Thursday. I love Maya. And someone else important is on Friday. Oh, the book club for one of my favourite books of all time. Only I read it three years ago and now Oprah picked so I can't tell people that it is one of my favourite books because they will think that I am an Oprah worshiper. I think she's pretty cool but I sure don't worship her. Actually I would be pretty happy if I had the time to read all her book-club books. In my experience they have mostly been really good. But I guess they all have the stamp on the front so I can always go back when I'm retired and read them all. This month's book is a Canadian author. It's her first and only and a most amazing novel. Fall On Your Knees by Anne Marie MacDonald. If you aren't depressed, read it, and you will be.

Why am I talking about Oprah?

I gave my first treatments at the clinic today. I played doctor. It was only for weight loss and quitting smoking. But still, I did it alone. Wednesday is the day I really start treating. We are having a lecture on neck pain, and a standing meditation and then if anyone wants they can have a free treatment. I am giving the free treatment. Then the next week will be a lecture on some other ailment. And I will give the free treatment again. Go me. Dr. Slow reporting for duty.

If you love me. Go sign my guestbook.

7:02 p.m. |

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