
Today I entered one of the treatment rooms and there were two men in there. The curtains were closed around both of their beds. They are white shower curtains actually, cheesy I know. And one guy says "I know by the ugly shoes that's Rachael that just came in." He could see my feet under the curtain. You would think I was offended. But I thought it was funny and flattering. I do have some really ugly clothing articles but the shoes I was wearing today are not ugly.

I had my first HIV positive patient today. It was nothing special because we presume everyone is positive. We take every precaution because chances of atleast one point bleeding a bit are good.

I love my job. It is cool and sometimes I feel really smart.

Things are great. My sister's baby is very cute. It looks so much like her. Well, I think it does but five-day-old babies don't really look like they will later in life.

I'm going back home this weekend. This will be my first visit since I moved here five months ago. I could be a little weirded out I think. Hubby and all three kids are coming. It's our first family vacation. Could be really fun or really annoying. It is good that the clinic is closed on Friday so I don't even miss a day of work and get to go away for four days. Weeeeee.

Let us hope my Mother doesn't drive to stab my leg with a rusty fork. She does that sometimes.

I must get back to my studying right now.

Ciao Bella.

2:43 p.m. |

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