
I have not smoked for many days. Um, 25 plus 28 plus 31 plus 30 plus 6...........120 days! That better be right now that I displayed my overwhelming math skills for you all.

I am treating my friend with acupuncture to quit smoking. She has gone from 25 smokes a day to 8. It is working! I can do it! I hate people who use a lot of exclamation points!

The whole therapy thing is on hold because of money. It really sucks that my life can be totally dysfunctional, and I can really want to fix it, but becuase I don't have a spare $400 a month, I can't do Jack Sprat about it. I have cheered up some though. Had sex a couple of times.

I want to use the new weblog style of diary but I am not good enough with the old layout business to change it. I must rephrase.....I am open and willing to learn more about designing layouts. NOT I am not good enough. I am good enough. I just haven't found the right way to learn yet. Jeez, shutup already.

On that note. I will go sleep for the night. Up at 5:30.

Oh, and it was snowing here today. Last week it was 25 degrees (and no I don't know what that is in farenheit). What happened to summer and why is it snowing in May?

Leave me a guestbook entry. I only do this for the external validation.

10:11 p.m. |

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