Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002

It was way overdue time that I started a new page. That one was ten miles long.

I just ate a really good turkey sandwich. And it was very special to me. Because it may be a long time before I eat another turkey sandwich. I am going to have vega testing at a naturopath today. The test is when they put a laser between your toes and samples of food stuff on the machine and the machine makes a noise to indicate how sensitive to that food you are. Then I will have a list of what I can eat and what I can not.

I did this for the first time 4 years ago. Here we go again. The list of foods changes because when you eat something too often your body can start to reject it. Really coinfusing but if I avoid foods for long enough my body may recover and I could eat like a normal person.

Wish me luck with that.

I am planning a weekend away in September. My sister, my stepmom, and I are going to rent a cabin. With no husbands and no kids. Only us, our bathing suits, wine, jammies, and our scrapbooking supplies. It should be so fun. Kind of Ya-ya sisterhood if you ask me.

Well, I should be doing some of my practice tests but I think that turkey sandwich went to my head.

My exam was supposed to be tomorrow but I moved it to Monday. Just because I can.

Baseball tournament this weekend. Again. How many tournaments can the guy have a year? But on Saturday there is a pool party at one guys house with lunch and things. Sounds fun.

It is going to be 40 degrees here today. For people who live in places like California this may not be so exciting. I just can't ever get over the difference in the weather here from the coast. It is only four hours away! It was 25 this morning at 7 o'clock. It only gets to 25 in the afternoon in August in Victoria. Yeesh. Thank goddess for deoderant. Even Chloe keeps talking about her sweaty pits.

8:49 am |

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