Monday, Sept. 16, 2002

I just ate a big bowl of curried lentil soup while catching up on my favourite reads. Cozy. It makes me wish it was cold outside.

My weekend was fabulous. The Best. So Great. The "cabin" was a four bedroom, brand new, gorgeous, home. There was no one else around. And it was about 10 yards up from the lake.

We spent our time talking and scrapbooking mostly. I finished 10 pages. I think my Stepmom did 3 and my sister did 4. I win for highest output. I really like some of the ones I did. I'm excited to show them off to people.

While we scrapped we talked. And talked. And talked. I really miss that. Having other women who love you and are honest with you to talk about things with. It was better than therapy. We talked a lot about our relationships, being parents, and mine and my sister's relationship with my Dad. It was so good.

And I realized something so simple and straight forward.

I have always thought that relationships that were "good" were easy, things just fit and the people could coast. There was minimal problems and virtually no arguing.

I realized this weekend that "good" relationships are often full of conflict and frustration and arguing. But what makes them different than "bad" relationships is that they are worth the pain and time it takes to work through the conflict and disagreement.

Does that make any sense?

We are talking about doing the trip again but for three nights instead of two. And we also decided that we need to go there in the winter but we would bring the husbands and kids. Well, Chloe and Maya anyways.

It is nice to be home.

3:41 pm |

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