Friday, Oct. 18, 2002

Today is Oldest's birthday. Sunday is the joint party because Monday is Youngest's birthday. Who ever has babies with birthday's three days apart? People who do it on New Year's, that's who.

Plus we have swimming lessons. And curling. And I have two patient's ($yay$) and Oldest has a birthday party to go to.

You can't exclaim TGIF if your weekend is busier than your week. Do you ever want to tell me to shutup and stop complaining about how busy I am?

But I did get invited to a party on Friday night. All the important people in the neighbourhood got invited and now I am, obviously, an important person. I feel loved and accepted.

I wonder if I should have a few vodkas. I haven't drank in oh, over two months now. This eating plan gets in the way. Hmm. I am very excited to have fun. I don't get to go out and have fun anymore. Fun, fun, weee, fun. Laughing, drinking, eating, fun.

And about the whole "you can't change a person" thing. I totally agree with that (because I'm really wise). But Ken wants to make changes. He is fed up with the kids' behaviours too. But he doesn't have the tools to make the changes. We are working together to do that.

I am, however, fairly impatient when it comes to seeing the changes. I am feeling like it is stemming from being in a relationship with a man who visibly changed about as much as a rock (guess who??). Despite all my hard work. Despite my effort to make our relationship healthy and what I needed. Lesson learned. The Dixie Chick's say it well (and with great bluegrass banjos) "It would take and acrobat. And I already tried all that. So, I'm going to let him fly. Fly. Whoooooaaaaa fly."

Listen to it. It is good. I feel happy right now. Hold it. Hold.

6:51 pm |

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