Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003

Hi there , this is still Liz and probably will be for a while yet , I will be so into this by the time Rachael is well that I think I might have to start my own diary ,( you here that Rach , I might have to keep doing this )aside from the circumstances I could really see myself enjoying this .. anyway , the real reason I'm here

..... RACHAEL UPDATE ......

I guess the sad part for us close by here is over , she is well on her way to a speedy recovery , she looks great , sound great and feels pretty good , she was taken off of the morphine today and is on regular tylenol 3 now , she finally has some rosy cheeks tonight .. and the big news , as I am dancing around the livingroom .. Rachael farted today !!!!! this is so good for her , we have waited along time , it is such good news, we now know things are working in that amazing body of hers ..

ummmm , she had more surgery the other day on her arm , she now has a plate and a few screws in her arm ( no more jokes about a few screws loose I guess ) . She still has a chest tube in and thats uncomfortable for her , and we need to work on building her strenghth and get her up walking , due to a broken pelvis I think that will be quite some time though .

Her family and soon to be husband are all fine , it has been tough and there is a long road ahead but concidering everything they are doing well .. Kenny started painting the bedroom today as a surprize for when she comes home, she has been wanting it for a while now .. I have seen in him the last week how much he loves her , she is his everything , she is so blessed and not only in her real life here but also in her life with her friends on line , Thank you all for your thoughts and warm wishes ... I will write again soon Liz : )

12:17 am |

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