
If I have to write metatarsophalangeal or metacarpophalangeal once more I am going to tear off all my clothes and run up and down my street screaming. I have to take a break to stretch my fingers in order to finish those words. Why does our anatomy have to be in Latin anyways? Couldn't they call it the finger bone joint? Or the toe bone joint?

All I can think about is going shopping.

I'm six meridians down, six to go. Then a whole lot of review and memorization. Then of course I start the brain and nerves and immune system and digestive system and all that crap.


Someone should invent a way to put this in my head. Some kind of information zapper. You could look through a catalogue, pick out what you want to know, and they could sit you in a really big chair, play nice music and shoot a laser through your forehead so you would remember everything.

In one week I have three exams and then I have NOTHING to do for one whole month.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.......

11:55 a.m. |

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