

I got up and showered and got ready.

I got Chloe ready, made her breakfast, made her lunch.

We got the kitten from outside put him in the box and all got in the car.

I dropped Chloe at school.

I took Tuna, the kitten, to the vet to get a shot and checkup.

I came home and studied for five hours.

I did the dishes and took meat out to make dinner.

I picked up Chloe.

We went grocery shopping.

We came home. I made her a sandwich. I unloaded the groceries from the car.

I made dinner for me and Big C and a different dinner for Chloe.

I ate my dinner.

I watched TV and read books to Chloe for a couple hours.

I studied for two hours.

I am making a diary entry and then going to bed.

Big C came home after dinner was finished. He didn't say anything to us but got in the shower. He laid on the other couch and fell asleep. After a while he got up and asked me if the dinner on the counter was mine. I told him it was for him. He was eating as I started studying. I asked him if he could go watch TV in the bedroom. This was followed by a sigh, which made me feel guilty about asking, becuase he had to stand up and walk fifteen feet to go lay on the bed instead of the couch so I could study for my finals. Still, the only thing he has said to me is about the dinner. After a couple hours I come into the bedroom and tell him that I am going to go to bed. He sighs again. I told him I'm sorry that my studying and sleeping interfered with his TV watching. He says nothing and goes to lay on the couch. Oh, I should have mentioned that he did actually do the dishes at one point.

Welcome to my world.

I feel like I carry way too much of the load here. The only trouble is that communication is pretty slim. When I do feel comfortable enough to say anything to him. He just says nothing back. I ask him how he feels and he tells me he has nothing to say to that.

Atleast once a day I wonder what I'm doing in this relationship. I've come to a sad conclusion that I best stay in it until I can afford to live on my own.

Sometimes I think the trouble is that I spend too much time defining what goes on between us. I think about how it could be or how it should be.

But the truth is I'm tired.

And Anonymous Surfer, can you please keep your commments to yourself. I don't need to hear that I've been saying I'm going to break up with him for a year now and I deserve better. Save it. Thanx.

9:50 p.m. |

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