
I am done. Well, really I'm not done done. I'm finished compiling my acupuncture notes from all over the town and making flash cards. I have a two inch thick stack. Now, if only I could think of a good way to remember all of this.

What I really need is someone to hold up my flash cards for me and sit patiently while I search every facet of my brain to find the right answer. I need someone to say "wow, that's a lot to learn" or "you sure are studying hard". I need someone to be happy that I just spent four solid days compiling the worlds biggest pile of flash cards. I'm looking for some gratification. Make me feel good dammit! While I'm sure my dog loves me, she doesn't really understand, and is wondering when in the heck I'm going to walk her, and what I'm so happy about.

My mom was so good to me today. She took Chloe for me at 12:30 so I could have the afternoon to study. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten anything done. And she's keeping her overnight so I can go over to my friend's house. I need to get out of my house. My little study sanctuary is beautiful but I need to see some different coloured paint. My desk chair makes my ass sore.

But on the positive front...my cramps are much better.

Well, I better get back to it. I just wanted to share so someone would be happy that I hit a landmark in my studying. I have about an hour and a half until my "partner" gets home so I must use my time wisely. All my energy will soon be consumed in looking busy and angry while ignoring someone.

3:55 p.m. |

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