
It is sssoooooooooo nice to be back (kind of). Today is the Value Village 50% off days. This excites me. It is our local humungous thrift store. I was supposed to be at the clinic until 4 but the doctor is sick and so I am done now! So I get to go scour the second hand mega store for that sweater that was a great deal at $3 but now it's a $1.50!

Does anyone want to be so kind as to fix my layout.....or make me a new one....or help me. I hate the "x" up there. I feel so incomplete.

I have not smoked since January 6. I will never smoke again. I feel really good and a tad chubbier. The boyfriend has been having insomnia, crazy headaches, nausea, he didn't eat for a week. He went to the doctor and found out it is from withdrawal. One in 30 or 40 people get symptoms like this from nicotine. Crazy man. He gets all hot and jittery and shaky. It's like living with a drug addict. After watching what cigarettes can do to a body I am done, finished, and I mean it this time.

Anyways, I just came to check my email at this little cafe. I shall be back next week some time. Love me 'cause I love you.

11:30 a.m. |

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