
So, granny is ok. She keeps bouncing back. Every time she has a "spell" it is worse so one time she won't bounce back but this time she did. I am glad because I want to take some pictures with her. Maybe I'll buy some black and white film for granny and THE NEW BABY..............

My sis had her baby. A girl. That is funny because I was so, so, so sure it was a boy. Pretty well everyone was. Except for Chloe and I allowed her to do the "I told you so" dance when we found out is indeed a woman-child. Her name is Maya Sophia. So pretty. I'm going to Vancouver on Friday to visit on everybody. Can't wait, can't wait. I'm going to snuggle my new little neice and it will make me want to make more babies or get a puppy or something cute and small.

I was just sick for two days so I got NO studying done. Now I am marginally better so I must get back down in my little office and learn things.

Oh, I bought the most beautiful coat at a second hand store the other day. It was $30 and I couldn't afford it but I couldn't leave it there because I put it on and then it was so comfortable I couldn't take it off.

I went to buy a choke-chain for my dog after I bought the coat. And the interac machine came back insufficient funds. The chain cost $5. But I didn't care because I looked good in my new swanky coat.

And that is all that mattters.

9:57 a.m. |

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