
I have PMS.

I am eating cheese sticks. You know the long bread sticks with cheese melted on them.

I was all stressed out today about having enough time to study, do laundry, grocery shop and get the trailer packed for camping.

Now I am eating cheese sticks and playing on the computer. I amaze me.

We are going camping this weekend. We have all three kids. Could be good fun. As long as I don't get any bitchier. It is like a bad gab session in my head. First I get bitter about Hubby never going grocery shopping and then it leads to laundry and then it gets so he could never, ever, ever do anything right. I am the victim. And I am bitter. Look out.

It is hard when I know that isn't reality but that is what I think. However can I snap out of this. Maybe another cheese stick will help.

Oldest step-son is 8. The other night Hubby picked him up from his mom's to take him to his baseball practice. Hubby is the coach of biggest stepson's little league team.

Biggest says to Hubby. "I don't know who is my favourite. Mom or Rachael."

Hubby looks at him. And then goes on to explain to him that he does not need to choose favourites. Biggest can like us the same amount but for different reasons.

Then Big says "But they are both so nice."

That touched my heart. He likes me...he really likes me!

Ok, now I am tired from eating things made out of wheat and cheese. I must carry on and do some packing. So atleast when Hubby gets home I'll have something to be bitter about.

3:14 p.m. |

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