
I made a real entry a few minutes ago....go check it out.


- hair: brown

- natural colour: brown

- eyes: blue

- height: 5'9


- clothing: casual

- music: folk, classical, country, reggae, new age, chinese flute....pretty well anything.

- makeup: only mascara adn carmex

- body art: five tattoos.


- wearing: a mid-calf dark denim skirt, a really old whit tank top, a flowered bandana and pigtails.

- music: can't think of anything in particular

- thinking of: How many things I should be doing instead of this.

- feeling: Biter and full of pre-menstrual angst


- bought: groceries.........sigh

- did: put a pot of brown rice on

- read: chinese internal medicine textbook

- watched on tv: the final episode of Amazing Race (man, am I glad Tara can't run very fast


- club or houseparty: houseparty

- tea or coffee: herbal tea

- cats or dogs: both

- pen or pencil: Pen

- gloves or mittens: Gloves

- food or candy: Food

- cassette or cd: CD

- coke or pepsi: Caffeine free diet coke

- matches or a lighter: lighter to open my corona bottles.


- kill: anyone who bangs me with their grocery cart

- hear from: my best friends from home

- tickle: I don't tickle.


- food: I don't know....so many foods.

- drink: Corona or Caesar

- color: Mossy green

- shoes: Flip flops

- site: Amazon

- song: Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant

- vegetable: Asparagus, brocoli, carrots, green beans, cucumber.

- fruit: apple

- last book you read: some textbook.

- last movie you saw: Riding with Boys in Cars.

- last movie you saw on the big screen: Amelie

- last phone number you called: Ken's work.

- last song you heard: Can't remember, the radio was on in my car.

- last thing you had to drink: chinese herbal formula

- last thing you ate: corn chips

- last time you showered: Yesterday morning

- last time you cried: Last Thursday

- last time you smiled: Today

- last time you laughed: Two days ago?

- last person you hugged: My daughter

- last person you kissed: Hubby

- last thing you said: Bye (I was just on the phone with my friend Liz)

- last person you talked to online: My Granny

- last person you talked to on the phone: Liz

~DO YOU...

- smoke: No

- do drugs: No

- drink: Yes

- sleep with stuffed animals: No

- have a crush: No

- have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes

- have a dream that keeps coming back: No

- play an instrument: No

-believe there is life on other planets: Not sure on that one.

-read the newspaper: There is enough negativity in this world without reading more made-up bullshit.

- have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes

- believe in miracles: Yes, yes, yes!!

- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Not sure on that one. There is no other mammal that is monogamous. Why do we think that we are?

- consider yourself tolerant of others: Not today, but usually yes.

- like the taste of alcohol: only some, I can't stand most.

- have a favorite Stooge: No

- believe in astrology: Yes

- believe in magic: Yes

- pray: Yes

- have any secrets: Yes

- have any pets: Yes, a Golden Retriever named Justice. I think he needs a little sister to play with but Hubby won't let me. I'd name her Karma.

- go to or plan to go to college: Been there for the last twenty years, or...maybe a little less.

- have a degree: no

- talk to strangers who instant message you: No

- wear hats: Mostly bandanas but sometimes a ball cap.

- have any piercings: One each ear. Used to have the nose.

- have any tattoos: Five

- hate yourself: No

- have a "hot spot": And I would tell the world this why?

- wish on stars: Yes

- like your handwriting: Yes

- believe in witches: Yes

- believe in Satan: No.

- believe in ghosts: Yes, yes, yes.

- trust others easily: No, No, No

- like sarcasm: People hate me because I'm so good at it they just think I'm a bitch. Few people really get me.

- take walks in the rain: I don't like the rain.

- kiss with your eyes closed: Either or. Usually open.

- sing in the shower: Never.

Via the amazing Angel.

3:26 p.m. |

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