Wednesday, Jun. 12, 2002

I feel good. I just got up. That is some major sleeping in for me. No kids at home. Aaaahhhhhh.

I'm going to walk my dog now. I bring study cards with me and go through acupuncture points and formulas while I walk. The neighbours must think I'm crazy because I talk to myself. Actually they already think I'm crazy because of the way I dress.

The Doctor I work with broke the news that I have two big exams in the middle of July. That is a lot of time to study but there is a lot of material. It is hard because I have no classes and no notes. I have no outline or subjects or any order to what we might have gone over. I'm not sure what will be on his exam but I am determined to get a great mark so I need to study everything. I am stressed already.

Going to brush my teeth and walk my dog before it gets too hot out.


8:17 am |

Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002

You know what I love about hubby? No, you don't but I will tell you one thing. When he is rude or snappish on the phone. He calls me back a few minutes later and apologizes for being rude. I appreciate that because I could never do it. I just pretend like nothing happened. I'm such a wimp.

2:11 pm |

Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002

And thankyou for all the comments on the new layout. Twiggle should be proud.

6:30 am |

Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002

Good Morning. Well, it hasn't been that good. I was eating all kinds of delicious food while I was away. It is hard to stick to wacky eating restrictions when someone else is doing the shopping and the cooking. So now I feel like a zombie with a really bad attitude.

Hubby and I were looking at house plans on the internet all night. And arguing of course. The same things are not important to us and I'm not sure if a plan exists that can encompass all of our expectations. I'm a little worried about building the house because it would be this time next year and it will be really busy.

1. Oldest son's baseball season.

2. Hubby's baseball season.

3. Chloe and youngest son's baseball season for the first time ever.

4. I'll be writing the acupuncture licensing exam that recquires three months of solid studying before I write.

5. We'll be planning our wedding for the end of the summer.

6. Building a house.

We only have a portion of that now and our lives are way too busy and overwhelming. We'll have to wait and see.

6:22 am |

Monday, Jun. 10, 2002

I am so in love with my new diary. Is it not so pretty? Thank you Twiggle. I don't know if you know how happy I am. It makes me actually want to update all the time. Which I will apologize about not doing for the last five days. I was down Victoria Vancouver way visiting my family and fabulous friends, hanging with my sister, and cuddling my niece to pieces. I went to chinatown and bought a lot of stinky herbs. But I must go unpack my shitbox car now and I will come back later.

Or maybe not.....Chloe stayed in Victoria and the boys are with their mom this week. Hubby and I are actually alone. First time since October. I may be busy tonight but will be back (with a smile) tomorrow.

7:31 pm |

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