Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2002

I got to sleep in some this morning. It was more like laying there listening to The Hubs get the kids breaky. It was really nice and cozy.

Today I have to take Chloe and the Youngest Stepson to Kindergarten Intro. I can't believe I'm going to have to leave my girl at a school for three hours by herself.

Where has the time gone?

7:50 am |

Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2002

It is raining really hard today. I love it. Reminds me of home.

I have cramps. Yesterday's speculations were in fact true.

I just ate a delicious turkey sandwich on a bagel. This is not within the eating plan that allows me to feel and function like a normal individual. I ate it with full intentions of needing a nap when I am done.

Today is an eat-soup-and-watch-cheezy-talk-shows-in-bed-instead-of-studying kind of day.

Exam shexam.

1:07 pm |

Monday, Jun. 17, 2002

I must be getting my period in a few days. I am so tired. Physically, emotionally, and I am tired of my repetitious existence.

I need a vacation. I haven't had one for seven years.

Going to study as much as I can and then fall asleep.

6:17 pm |

Friday, Jun. 14, 2002

I am home alone. Ssshhhh can you hear that. Nothing but the neighbour's lawn mower. I get to sleep alone. Wake alone. It has been a long time since I have slept in a house alone. A lone.

Tomorrow it will be full.

Chloe has been in Victoria with my Mom and then Vancouver with my Dad. And it wasn't a week we had the boys. Tomorrow she is coming home and bringing a few friends. My dad, stepmom, sister, her baby, my brother-in-law and their Doberman. Plus Hubby and we have the boys this week.

And there is a huge ball tournament that hubby is putting on. So he has been really busy and grumpy because he is so busy. And I have been grumpy because he is to busy to help me with anything that I need help with.

I hated winter here because all we did was stay home. It was too cold. Now I have a Happening every weekend and I crave the solitude of winter.

Tonight I will turn the air conditioner on high and pretend it is January and there is nothing else to do but eat soup and watch movies. Oh, and study.

I must enjoy the quiet.

8:13 pm |

Friday, Jun. 14, 2002


1. How often do you do laundry? How often? It is a continuous cycle around here. A process in motion. Always started never finished.

2. What's in a typical wash load? Clothes. Boy clothes. Girl clothes. Man clothes. Woman clothes. And one-socks. A lot of one-socks.

3. Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent? Top loader. And Cheer powder all the way.

4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle? Nope. I've never noticed my clothes being hard.

5. Dryer or clothesline? Clotheslines are from before dryers were invented. I know it is way cheaper to hang dry though. I do rip my Bounce sheets in half because it does the same job for half the price. Every time I do that I wonder if I'm going to turn into a saran-wrap-washer.

7:18 pm |

Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002

Went to the Neighbourhood's "Community Family Bbq" tonight. How cute is that? How many neighbourhoods have a humungous pot-luck in the school yard on a Thursday night.

I made potato salad. I thought everybody would do the same but there was only one other.

I like this neighbourhood.

8:17 pm |

Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002

Today I am going to use the words "choose to" instead of "have to". I am getting so bitter and worn out and about to have a break down due to being way to busy and majorly stressed about studying.

"I choose to do seven loads of laundry"

"I choose to spend the day golfing instead of studying"

"I choose to memorize 100 herbal formulas by next month."

"I choose to be very busy."

This way I cannot point fingers and blame. It is all my choice. I have the power to change these things if that is my choice.

10:39 am |

Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002 Compatibility Test

Your match with Angel

you are 54% similar

you are 58% complementary

How Compatible are You with me?

I always thought we would be so much more the same. How similar are you and I?

8:27 am |

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