Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002

My hubby-guy and my really good friend up here (from high school) are not gettting along. They were good friends before I ever met him. She played matchmaker and introduced us.

She is having a struggle with depression right now. Actually for the last few months. She is mostly really irritable and we often feel like we have to tiptoe around her.

Well Hubs doesn't play that game. He is pissed off and annoyed. But.....he won't ever talk to her about it. He just gets angry and tells me about it and then waits for next time and he lets it build. Building without releasing is the makings of a bomb.

So I have him bitching about her. And her asking me why Hubs is so mad at her. She has no clue that she is bitchy or can blow off at any time.

I am the kind of person that would not say anything to her about what is going on. And I would support her in finding help and whatever it is she needs to feel better. I know she is not really like this so why give her a list of things that she does to anger me when they are not concious things that are within her control.

She would be devastated to know that she upsets so many people.

I am getting really frustrated about this. If he doesn't talk to her I am going to be honest with her. She doesnt' know so it is killing her and being in the middle is killing me. Is speaking for everyone else so wrong? If they won't speak for themselves?

I just don't want to hurt her any more than she is already hurting.

I told them both to not talk to me about it but that didn't seem to work.

6:20 am |

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