Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2002

name? Rachael

birthday? December 2, 1975

place of birth? Victoria, BC

height? 5'9"

eye colour? blue

hair color? brown


sports are you active in? my life is ruled by baseball but I don't play

is the most recent movie you have seen? Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

are you doing tonight? Studying

is your name backwards? Leahcar

was the last thing you ate? Scrambled eggs with red pepper, cilantro, and goat feta

are you excited about? My holidays starting July 12

was the last thing you said out loud? I love you. Have a great fun day.

do you think of true love? I don't like the term "true" love. I think that unconditional love is a beautiful thing but it takes some time to learn. Calling it "true" implies all other love is "false"

is on your mousepad? I have a mouse with the laser that doesn't need the pad.

color pants do you have on right now? Old carpenter jeans with paint stains

are you listening to: The birds chirping.

do you want to do when you grow up? Be content and heal and learn

do you look for in the opposite sex? someone who is supportive, respectful, a good listener and communicator, someone I would be happy for my daughter if she was in a relationship with when she is older, that is the major point. She is learning from my relationships.

Do you...

believe in yourself? most of the time

get motion sickness? never

have a pager? yes, but I don't use it.

have a cell phone? yes

have a lava lamp? no

if you...

could travel to one place in the world, where would it be? China

were a crayon what color would you be? seafoam green....because is seafoam really green?

could have one wish in the world, what would it be? That people would respect eachother and not crave power.

could have any occupation, what would it be? doctor of chinese medicine or the person who gets to make up the names for lipsticks and nail polish

could have some sort of special power what would you want it to be? The ability to heal and balance energy. Wait, I can do that, oh, I would make it way easier.


candy? I don't like candy.

color bra? Flesh tone....whose flesh tone? let's just call it beige, you know, granny-bra colour.

thing to do on the weekend? Something that makes me feel good and like I nurtured myself.

tv show(s)? Mmm. Don't watch TV. It mostly annoys the hell out of me. I watch survivor when it's on. I can handle a dose of trash for a couple of months.

band/group/singer? It would have to be Ani but ther is a million second place winners.

boardgame? Not a big fan.

magazine? Don't read them. Even the ones I enjoy the articles in have 20 year old women advertising wrinkle cream. And looking at the pictures make me feel dumpy. And I hate allowing pictures to make me feel that way.

drink? ceasars, corona, red wine.

food? anyhing with wheat, dairy, or sugar usually.

flower? daisys, tulips, hydrangea

holiday? christmas. I love being with all my family and I love buying things for people.

shampoo? It's not my favourite but I use Herbal Essences

toothpaste? It was MacLeans but they stopped making it, or selling it in Canada, or something, so now I'm a switch hitter.

ice cream? depends on the day

memory? too many to list

scent/perfume? patchouli

Have you ever...

gone skinny dipping? yes

been convicted of a crime? no

cheated on a test? yes, but never been caught, is that still cheating.

broken a bone? never

gotten beat up? No


drinks with or without ice? without unless I can have a straw

thing you thought of or said when you woke up? Why does he need to be so clingy and cuddle me this early?

rollercoasters: deadly or exciting? Not sure.

pick a song that describes you? The Cowboy in Me...Tim McGraw

when you meet a person of the SAME sex, what do you notice first? Their aura, how they carry themselves, are they real or are they concerned about if I'm skinnier than them.

last time you showered? yesterday morning

how many kids do you want? 3 is enough

how long do you wait to tell someone that you love them? Until I mean it.

who do you wish you could see more often? My granny

what would be something you would say to them? Just regular chit chat

would you want to know when you're going to die? No. I try to live each day like tomorrow would be the day.

who do you admire? My sister.

why? I've been doing since I was born and it is hard to break old habits.

This or that...

coke or pepsi? caffeine free diet coke

1 pillow or 2? 2

simple or complicated? either and both

mom or dad? that is just mean.

black or white? and every shade of grey

happiness or depression? I would take depression anyday.......

internet or real life? Who made up this quiz?

grey or gray? It's always a toss up. What did I write a few questions up there?

sunrise or sunset? Either.

x or o? X

sun or moon? Either

emerald or ruby? Who cares

chocolate or vanilla? Either

hello or hi? both

Which is more romantic...

candles or darkness? - candles

flowers or chocolate? flowers

going out or staying in? Either. I'm getting bored with this now

champagne or wine? red wine.

bed or floor? Bed

What do you think of...

small children? Cute but annoying.

religion? Have my own thanks.

drugs? Not for me.

yourself? I've got my downfalls but I'm alright

the internet? A good procrastination tool

your town? A little redneck-cowboy but a pretty great place.

What would you do if...

someone cut all of your hair off in the middle of the night? I'd be confused.

someone dyed your hair in the middle of the night? These are strange questions.

you were pulled out of your everyday life, and put into utter isolation? I would probably drive myself crazy overanalyzing things.

someone stole your socks? I'd get over it. Except my favourite striped ones.

Compliments of Narcissa

8:34 am |

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